Join Us
You can become a member of Lowestoft Photographic Club for a whole year from September to May by paying a subscription of £45 for one person, £75 for a couple or £20 for a student. If you join after the season has started a pro-rata amount will be charged. Providing excellent value for the whole year. (Less than £1 per meeting)
Why don't you just turn up at the Church Hall and see if you like it? You have nothing to lose! New visitors to the club get two free visits before they decide if they would like to join.
Alternatively, you can download our membership form here and email it back to us. We meet every Wednesday from September to May at 7.30pm. For further information about the Club, you can contact us via email.
We want to help members add to their enjoyment in producing photographic images in an informal and fun atmosphere.
The Club has invested in the latest equipment i.e. digital projector, projection screen and laptop and we have purchased a PA system so that all members can hear speakers more clearly in the large hall that we use.
Our programme is a mix of competitions, practical activities and visiting lecturers. Among our membership, you will find people with experience and knowledge in many aspects of photography so whatever you are interested in there will always be someone you can ask for assistance.
Please come and join us and enjoy a new season of wonderful images.