Privacy Policy
The Lowestoft Photographic Club is established and run according to its constitution to serve the interests and activities of its members and as such it holds personal data about its individual members. Therefore, it must have a data protection policy and make this available to members. All personal data and information collected is held securely and used as described below by the Committee for the effective management of the lawful and legitimate interests of the club. It may be used to communicate with members by email, phone or post in connection with membership and club activities. It will not be issued to any other organisation for electronic marketing purposes addressed specifically to any individual or group of members. General advertising addressed to all the club members, such as posters and leaflets about meetings and events from this club and other clubs and organisations, are permitted.
Names, Distinctions, Address, Phone number, email address
These will be collected at the time of joining the club and maintained in a database by the treasurer. Personal data will be retained for a period of one year after a member leaves. Data is available to members of the Committee to use as described below.
Some member’s images are held by the club. These are images entered by members in internal and external club competitions and exhibitions or entered on the club website. Those provided for club use may be selected to represent the club in external competitions and to enable entry to external exhibitions e.g. the EAF annual exhibition. These images may be held by the club for up to three years.
By accepting membership of the club and providing contact details and entering images on request members imply consent for their use for the purposes requested.
Members of the committee are most likely to use email or occasionally phone to provide information or requests in order to be able to reach all club members. Committee members are asked to make sure that any emails so sent only have visible the contact detail of a single recipient. (This is done by placing the circulation list in the BCC section and not the TO section of the email header.)
Committee members must ensure that the contact details held are only used for the purposes of the LPC and not passed on for other uses by any other club or organisation. (This is especially important for committee members who have access to data from several different clubs and must keep data from different organisations separate.
The Programme Secretary is likely to send out reminders of the programme each week and requests for help.
The Secretary is likely to send out information about club business such as the AGM, to pass on information from the EAF, PAGB, and RPS, and to pass on invitations to talks and exhibitions from other local clubs.
The Social Secretary is likely to send out information about outings and club events.
The Competition Secretaries are likely to send out reminders of competitions and requests for images for outside competitions
The Exhibition Secretary is likely to send out information about the club exhibition and request images.
Member’s data which has originally been provided by the member should be accurate. Members need to notify the club of any changes. Members have a right to see the data held on them and can ask for personally identifiable data to be corrected or erased.
Updates to the policy will be posted here and this page will have our up to date policy
© Lowestoft Photographic Club June 2019