I am a Photographic obsessive. I take pictures every day, I can't help it. I have to. I would get withdrawal symptoms if I didn't. My camera comes with me everywhere, even on a shopping trip to Tesco.
I love taking pictures, if it moves I'll photograph it, if it doesn't move, I'll photograph it. I love working on pictures via my CS6, printing pictures, I love looking at other peoples pictures......., It's just the best medium in the universe. I don't just see pictures, I feel them.
I give talks and judge on photography from club level right through to international level. I currently use either a FujiS5 camera or a Nikon D800 and either a 15-30mm zoom, a 20mm fixed lens, 105mm Macro or a 18mm - 70mm Zoom. All my macro work is done without a tripod but I currently use a Vivitar Ring Flash. #FocusYourPassion, #Photography, #Macro, #programme